360° Web Cam
Cloudy with clear periods.Precipitation: Nil.Alpine temperature: Low -9 °C.Mostly light ridge wind occasionally gusting to 40 km/h.Freezing level at valley bottom.Wednesday
Cloudy with sunny periods.Precipitation: Nil.Alpine temperature: High -4 °C.Mostly light ridge wind occasionally gusting to 50 km/h.Freezing level: 1800 metres.Thursday
Flurries.Accumulation: 8 cm.Alpine temperature: Low -13 °C, High -4 °C.Mostly light ridge wind occasionally gusting to 45 km/h.Freezing level: 1300 metres.Friday
A mix of sun and cloud.Precipitation: Nil.Alpine temperature: Low -13 °C, High -11 °C.Ridge wind light to 25 km/h.Freezing level at valley bottom.Saturday
Cloudy with sunny periods and isolated flurries.Precipitation: Trace.Alpine temperature: Low -15 °C, High -9 °C.Ridge wind light to 20 km/h.Freezing level: 1100 metres.Sunday
Cloudy with sunny periods.Precipitation: Nil.Alpine temperature: Low -12 °C, High -7 °C.Light ridge wind.Freezing level: 1300 metres.Monday
Cloudy with sunny periods and isolated flurries.Precipitation: Trace.Alpine temperature: Low -10 °C, High -7 °C.Light ridge wind.Freezing level: 1400 metres.Tuesday
Cloudy with sunny periods.Precipitation: Nil.Alpine temperature: Low -11 °C, High -9 °C.Ridge wind southwest: 10 km/h.Freezing level: 1300 metres. -
Tuesday night
Chance of flurries or rain showersLow minus 7.Wednesday
Periods of snowHigh plus 1.Wednesday night
SnowLow minus 5.Thursday
Chance of flurriesHigh minus 1.Thursday night
CloudyLow minus 12.Friday
Chance of flurriesHigh minus 3.Friday night
Chance of flurriesLow minus 11.Saturday
A mix of sun and cloudHigh plus 2.
© Copyright 2025 - Weather forecast provided by RWDI. Weather icons provided by Stardock with permission.
Conditions Update
Over the last couple of days we have received a good amount of fresh snow, making for amazing skiing across the hill. Today whether you are looking for carved turns or fresh tracks you will find your fun, let me guarantee that!
With 20 groomed runs, Black Diamond areas, and our teams working towards opening more terrain, Marmot Basin is the place to be!
Have fun, and see you out there!

Photo: February 20, 2025
Snow Report
March 11, 2025, 6:45 a.m.
Temp Report
every 10 minutes